Categories: Installer, Service, Spares, Wood

Whether your home features a contemporary look or a more traditional design, at CFAB – Classic Fireplaces and Barbecue Centre, we offer an extensive range of indoor and outdoor fireplaces, fire pits, and barbecues for homeowners and home builders.

We also sell and install timber, aluminium panelling and cladding that add natural beauty to ceilings, walls and accent architectural features. Our design prowess and installation expertise show in the many projects that we’ve completed during our 45 years of service.
We consistently lead our market through customer-centred service, and we provide multiple ways to browse and buy our products at your convenience. If one of our products catches your eye online, stop by our showroom where our knowledgeable sales representatives will guide you through your project choices and installation options. Our expert staff members actively listen to your needs and can help you transform your vision into stunning indoor and outdoor living spaces. We take pride in customising a solution for your home.

We have recently undertaken an extensive fit-out including abbreviating the brand name Classic Fireplaces and Barbecues Centre to CFAB for public presentation. CFAB are now showcasing a larger range, please call in to see our latest products.

When it comes to finding the perfect wood heater or gas log fire heating solution for your home, CFAB in Greensborough is your one-stop-shop. We're proud to offer a wide range of wood heaters and gas log fires, all of which are made right here in Australia. With our expert advice and extensive knowledge, you can trust us to keep your home warm and comfortable all winter long.



Opening Hours

Monday: 9:00AM – 5:30PM o'Clock
Tuesday: 9:00AM – 5:30PM o'Clock
Wednesday: 9:00AM – 5:30PM o'Clock
Thursday: 9:00AM – 5:30PM o'Clock
Friday: 9:00AM – 5:30PM o'Clock
Saturday: 9:00AM – 4:00PM o'Clock
Sunday: 10:00AM – 3:00PM o'Clock
Consider our other brands:
Heat Charm

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